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Nacho Pupa: "Anxiety"

(Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 5:30pm)

Since my early 20s, the most feared thing was my future. I just had an abstract dream, and every time I thought about my future with no concrete plans, I was so anxious and scared. Sometimes, I listen to this song, and when it tells me that I’m not the only one feeling this anxiety, I get the courage to live an adventurous life that doesn't compromise with reality. Even now, in my late 20s, my future is the most disturbing and scary, but I don't want to live a boring life.
Our angst of youth won't be just mine alone
In the chain of choices, all must be living in endless anxiety
Just like a dangerous tightrope walk, or just like a treasure hunt without a map
What lies over the hill is mystery, no one knows the story
What lies over the hill is mystery, no one knows the story
Our angst of youth isn't just mine alone
All must be living in endless anxiety in the chain of choices
Just like a merry-go-round, come back again and again, my gloomy worries
I can't shake them off, the songs and the faces of broken dreams
I can't shake them off, the songs and the faces of broken dreams
We must not let go of anything
for we are still young
for we still have some youth to burn
My blood, my flesh, my dear brothers
This angst is not yours alone
우리 젊은날의 불안은 나만의 것이 아닐테지
누구나 선택하고 선택하며 끝없는 불안속에 살아가겠지
이것은 위태로운 외줄타기처럼 지도없는 보물찾기처럼
저 언덕너머에 무엇이 있을지는 아무도 모르는 이야기
저 언덕너머에 무엇이 있을지는 아무도 모르는 이야기
우리 젊은날의 불안은 나만의 것이 아닌거야
누구나 선택하고 선택하며 끝없는 불안속에 살아가겠지
회전목마처럼 빙빙돌아 다시 돌아오는 어두운 고민들
떨쳐버릴수없어 부서진 꿈들의 노래와 표정을
떨쳐버릴수없어 부서진 꿈들의 노래와 표정을
우린 그 무엇도 놓아선 안돼 우린 아직 젊기에
태워야할 청춘이 남아있기에

나의 피 나의 살 나의 형제들이여
이 불안은 너만의 것이 아니야
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